Everytime you talk you are potentially offending someone. It could be what you are saying, but more importantly its what your talking or blowing over. Dr Todd Snyder, DDS of Aesthetic Dental Designs® in Orange County, California states that your tongue has millions of bacteria on it and when they digest food they give off a biproduct made of volatile sulfur compounds. These compounds smell horrible!! SO when you talk you are actually blowing the smelly waste product of these bacteria out of your mouth at people in your vacinity.
Ways to resolve this issue can be using tongue scrappers as well as brushing and flossing, also using products like mouth rinses, gums, or mints that have xylitol in them which reduces the growth of oral bacteria.
If you are on a low carbohydrate diet you have a higher risk of halitosis (bad breath). This is because instead of burning carbohydrates, the body metabolizes stored body fat which produces ketones. Ketones are released into the urine and breath which results in halitosis. A healthy solution is also drinking lots of water and eating some sprigs of fresh parsley.
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