The current typical Western diet is largely composed of acidic foods and liquids (coffee, sodas, energy drinks, some bottled waters and many types of foods). Alkaline foods such as milk, cheese and vegetables are eaten in much smaller quantities. Many foods are alkaline by nature, but many manufactured processed foods are acidic.
Many people will often consume acidic liquids and foods consistently throughout the day while working or going to school. This process does not allow the body's salivary glands enough time to neutralize the acidity in the mouth which will lead to tooth erosion, damage, and tooth decay over time. It is important to rinse out the mouth after a meal or eat alkaline type foods at the end of a meal to assist in neutralizing the acidity of the mouth. Think of eating a piece of cheese after a meal.
There are some other products that can help reduce the acidity of the mouth as well. Chewing gums that have Xylitol and Recaldent are excellent sugar free sources that can assist in neutralizing acidity in ones mouth by stimulating the salivary glands to naturally secret saliva that will buffer acidity. Products like MI Paste can also help to diminsh the effects of acidity on our teeth when applied to the teeth daily.
Brushing and flossing also helps to remove remaining food and bacteria that cause increased levels of acidity to remain while the natural body defense of saliva is trying to counteract the acidity. It has been noted after eating or drinking very acidic foods and liquids that the teeth may be more susceptible to toothbrush damage. Allowing the acidity of the mouth to diminsh or be reduced prior to brushing may take about 15 to 30 minutes based on salivary flow, stimulation and other factors.
Todd Snyder, DDS of Aesthetic Dental Designs in Laguna Niguel, CA. states that anyone from children to elderly should try to minimze the acidic attack on their teeth daily by chewing sugarless gum and rinsing with water after meals followed by brushing and flossing. By doing so the protective enamel coating will last longer and teeth will have their health and pretty white exterior for many more years.